2.jpgIf you have overindulged in the sweet stuff recently and need a filling, you probably want to know how long it will take, and if it will be painful or scary? Anyone who has had a filling can confidently tell you that it doesn’t take very long, and it certainly shouldn’t be scary or painful.

Why Are Fillings Needed?

A tooth with a cavity can be sensitive at best and painful at worst. If the cavity isn’t treated with a dental filling, the decay will continue to spread throughout the tooth. Eventually, it will reach the tooth root, and you will need root canal therapy. Although root canal therapy is highly effective, it is a lengthier procedure compared with an ordinary dental filling. This is why we thoroughly recommend regular checkups with our dentist because the sooner we can detect any lesions or tiny signs of decay, the earlier we can treat your tooth, saving more of its structure.

What are Fillings Made From?

A filling can be made from amalgam, a silver-coloured material, but many fillings are made from composite resin which is tooth-coloured and nearly invisible in the mouth. Larger fillings can be fabricated from gold or from tooth-coloured porcelain.