
Losing a tooth can be extremely upsetting and may affect your oral health. Dental implants are frequently regarded as the gold standard for replacing missing teeth and consist of a small post that is surgically inserted into your jawbone, creating a strong anchorage point for a replacement tooth. Listed below are some of the reasons why you might want to consider dental implants for tooth loss.

Dental Implants Are Strong

Because dental implants are firmly anchored in your jawbone, they are very strong, so you can eat, speak and smile confidently.

A Longer Lasting Solution for Tooth Loss

With the proper oral care, your dental implants should be durable too, and could potentially last for decades or even for life.

Protecting and Preserving Your Jawbone and Facial Features

A dental implant is the only option that protects and preserves your jawbone, significantly preventing jawbone loss that occurs naturally after tooth loss. A well-designed dental implant provides the correct amount of support for your facial muscles which is critical if you have lost multiple teeth.

Almost Anyone Can Have Dental Implants

Dental implants are highly suitable for most people provided you have reasonable dental and general health and your jawbone has finished growing and developing. It certainly doesn’t matter if you are older.

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