dec-4.jpgThis holiday season, make it your mission to protect your smile with these easy ideas.

Carol When Cleaning Your Teeth

Creates a playlist of your family’s favourite holiday songs or hum a carol while you brush your teeth. Usually, these songs are about two minutes long which is perfect for ensuring you brush teeth thoroughly. You get extra points for being nice to your teeth if you include another song for flossing.

Don’t Open Your Presents with Your Teeth

A surprising number of people crack or chip teeth while opening Christmas presents or using their teeth as tools. It’s much easier and cheaper to spend the extra few seconds fetching the proper tools.

Make a Welcome Gift Basket for Houseguests

Many people have guests to stay, and nothing is more welcoming than a personalised gift basket. Include items like favourite snacks or cosy socks, and a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss make an especially thoughtful touch. These items are frequently forgotten when travelling.

Whiten Your Teeth with Lipstick!

If you didn’t have time to whiten your teeth professionally before the holidays, use a pink or red lipstick with a blue undertone that will help make your teeth look instantly brighter and whiter.

Finally, don’t forget to make your oral hygiene routine a priority as it only takes a few minutes each day to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly.